Danny TiesTM Trach Ties
A unique tracheostomy holder that offers a softer and more comfortable fit around the neck

Product Description
Danny Ties are made of a soft, absorbent cotton material that lays smooth at the edges of the collar to significantly minimize skin breakdown beneath the collar. The cotton collar holds its shape, does not fold or crease around the neck and will not stretch when it absorbs moisture. The cotton collar minimizes irritation to tender and fragile skin. The design of the Danny Ties evenly distributes the collar weight around the neck to minimize points of pressure.

The Danny Ties collar is easy to apply with tapered ends on the collar straps. The ends thread easily through the eyelets of the tracheostomy tube allowing for quick application and changes of the collar on the smallest of infants and the large adult patient. If soiled, the Danny Ties may be washed, dried and reused for the same patient per institutional policy.